Spring 2025: Pre-Registration for Training Chorus, Concert Chorus, Chamber Singers - 3rd Grade+

2024-2025 Season
Spring 2025: Pre-Registration for Training Chorus, Concert Chorus, Chamber Singers - 3rd Grade+
All singers grades 3 or higher are asked to pre-register.

Pre-registration includes an 80.00 registration fee per singer charged at time of registration.

*Families with more than one singer will receive a multi-family discount - applied after registration

Singers will be placed into their respective choirs once an evaluation has been done.

The 100.00/month will be first billed at the beginning of August.
Date range: From 01-01-2025 to 05-02-2025
Monthly Chorus Tuition
100.00 tuition payment will be deducted on the first of the month beginning in January 2025
$100.00 Monthly

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